About Waist Training

To begin with, try to wear the corset 3 to 6 hours a day where possible. We do not advise sleeping in a steel boned corset but at all other times of the day (apart from obvious breaks for bathing etc) as long as it can practically be part of your routine then it is a good discipline.

Results will depend on how frequently you wear your corset and how disciplined you are with regards eating a sensible (not strict) diet and exercising occasionally but many start to see results in a matter of weeks. 

Remember, for longer term permanent waist-reduction a corset should be used in conjunction with healthy diet and moderate, regular exercise.

Cleaning: From time to time you may need to wipe clean the outside or the liner with a damp cloth. If the corset needs a thorough cleaning then it must be done at a dry cleaners – ensure they have experience of cleaning such articles. NEVER wash your corset.

Air Dry your corset at the end of the day. Corsets must be dried out by turning the lining to the upper side and hanging over the back of a chair. Never hang on or near a heat source as over time this will cause shrinkage and eventual damage to the stitching.